Šovakar DAD Cafe uzstāsies džeza ģitārists no Dānijas Alekss Džonsons (Alex Jonsson), kurš 2013. gadā ir nominēts “New Danish Jazz Artist of the Year”.
Kopā ar saviem draugiem Jens Mikkel Madsen un Andreas Skamby – Jønsson viņš muzicē trio sastāvā, spēlējot savas kompozīcijas. Visi trīs mūziķi aktīvi darbojas džeza, un popmūzikas žanros, īpašu akcentu liekot uz improvizāciju. Lai arī viņi dzīvo dažādās pasaules daļās (Gēteborga, Malme un Orhūsa), viņu muzikālā sadarbība ir bieža un radoša. Vasarā mūziķi strādās pie ierakstu albuma, kurš iznāks rudenī. Šīvakara īpašais viesis – saksofonists Dāvis Jurka.
Koncerta sākums 20.00
Spy On Your Friends is a new project fronted by critically acclaimed guitarist Alex Jønsson, who was nominated for “New Danish Jazz Artist of the Year” at the 2013 Danish Music Awards.
Along with his musical playmates – Jens Mikkel Madsen and Andreas Skamby – Jønsson takes on the traditional guitar trio format and adds his own compositions.
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The three musicians are particularly active in the field of jazz, as well as improvisational- and pop music, and have performed together in different constellations for many years. Even though they now reside in Göteborg, Malmö and Aarhus respectively, their musical ties remain intact.
The trio will be in the recording studio in June, the result of which can be heard in autumn 2014.
WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST JOINING US AT DAD cafe – Dāvis Jurka on saxophone!
The tour is supported by JazzDanmark, DJBFA and Danish Musicians Union J World
“Jønsson’s playing has a delicate sound control and it reaches into a
deep musical truth.”
– Jazznytt (Norway), 2013
“His music is personal and breathtaking”
– Berlingske (Denmark), 2014